July 2006


For info and updates on the Goldfish Report, take a look here for info from the editor on upcoming issues of the Goldfish Report and the publication schedule.

Note that there are new photos from John Hubschman on the members photos page and a new goldfish show in Atlanta on the calendar of events.

If you have let your membership lapse or have been thinking about joining the GFSA, now is a great time - here is a form you can print. To submit material for the Goldfish Report to our editor, please see the updated society contact info. Articles and photos in electronic form are particularly appreciated.

The current line-up of people filling the GFSA offices is on the society officers page. The GFSA Board of Directors kicked off 2006 with a renewed effort to ensure that the society is undertaking activities and providing services that our members want. Tell us if there is something you really want (even better, volunteer to help us do it).

Interested in joining the GFSA but still not sure? We have two sample Goldfish Reports available to download, to demonstrate that every issue is packed with thought provoking information and pictures available nowhere else. We are also promoting an electronic membership option that significantly lowers the cost of membership.

Lessons Learned "Quick Hits"

We are soliciting short lessons-learned from hobbyists: events that possibly left you sadder, but measurably wiser. Have a good one? Please send it to the  . Here is a brief diatribe from the Webmaster:

Mosquito control: goldfish pond keepers need to be careful that they are not also unintentional mosquito breeders. Besides the unpopularity of boosting the mosquito population, there are also health risks associated with mosquitoes that should be enough incentive to take this seriously. The common wisdom is that goldfish will avidly eat mosquito larvae. And indeed they will, if they know they are there and can get at them. But bigger goldfish and well-fed fancies are often not very diligent about patrolling after the mosquito larvae and eating them all. Also, since just about everything eats mosquito larvae, the mosquitoes have gotten pretty clever about not getting eaten. They tend to place their eggs in places where the larvae will have a good chance to mature. As a result, the larvae appear inside filters, in neglected buckets, in dishes under potted plants and anywhere else there is some water.

What can you do? Empty containers with standing water and no fish once a week. Clean filters once a week, particularly if you find mosquitoes under the cover when you open the filter up. Consider putting a few small fish in any container you can't easily empty. If you use fish to control mosquitoes, they will need some daily supplemental feeding ... you want them hungry but you also need the fish to outnumber the mosquito larvae, so that they all get eaten. There are also products based upon the BT bacterium that you can add to the container, which typically kill the larvae for several weeks. Experience has shown that these do not generally seem to harm the fish, though you certainly want to keep them from eating the treatment.

If you want to strictly use only fish for mosquito control and all your fish are are larger than 3 or 4 inches, then you may need to introduce smaller fish solely for the purpose of controlling the mosquitoes. You need to be careful that the fish will not bother the goldfish; watch for fin nipping or other harassment. Conversely, the goldfish will certainly eat these fish if they can catch them, so don't make them anything very valuable. Young goldfish, rosy red minnows, gouramis, guppies, etc. are all possibilities. As always, quarantine fish (especially bait/feeder fish!!) before adding them in with your prized pond fish.